About Me

Hello, I'm William Bradford, a third year undergraduate at the University of Virginia. Since the age of 9, I have loved coding. I started with Java, then later moved to C and C++. From there, I expanded into Javascript and Python, which I have spent the last few years focusing on. Lately, I have been working with GLSL and Rust to focus on writing more performant programs. In summer of 2023, I worked at Avantus Federal as an undergraduate intern. I am currently employed as a part time research assistant at the Biocomplexity Research institute and as a part time dental assistant and IT specialist.

My personal hobbies include road racing, snowboarding, video gaming, and music production. Sometimes these hobbies overlap with coding and expand into each other recreationally, such as music production and music engineering plugin development. The bulk of my time in computer science has been spent writing proofs and using abstract reasoning to create algorithms and form reductions between NP-complete problems, some of which I implement in code. My strongest area of study is combinatorial optimization, which is also one of my true passions.

If you would like to contact me, you can reach me at my email, [email protected]. Additionally, my LinkedIn page can be found here.